這種高壓測試(也叫絕緣強度測試,電氣強度測試,擊穿測試,閃點測試) 主要給被測件加高電壓(交流或者直流)然后檢查是否被擊穿或者穿孔。耐壓測試儀也能檢查絕緣距離。
耐壓測試儀選擇: 型號 | 耐壓 AC voltage | 耐壓 DC voltage | 電流 | 檢測方式 | 接口 | 軟件(選件) | Hipot tester RXS50 New | 5kV | No | 10mA AC | Delta I+Imax | RS232 included GPIB, PLC, Ethernet in option | SXS Pro | Hipot tester RXS56 New | 5kV | 6kV | 10mA AC 4mA DC | Delta I+Imax | RS232 included GPIB, PLC, Ethernet in option | SXS Pro | Hipot tester RXS500 New | 5kV | No | 110mA AC | Delta I+Imax | RS232 included GPIB, PLC, Ethernet in option | SXS Pro | Hipot tester RXS506 New | 5kV | 6kV | 110mA AC 40mA DC | Delta I+Imax | RS232 included GPIB, PLC, Ethernet in option | SXS Pro | Hipot tester PREMIER 2705A | 5kV | No | 40mA DC | Delta I+Imax | RS232 in option | No | Hipot tester PREMIER 2715A | 5kV | 6kV | 40mA AC 10mA DC | Delta I+Imax | RS232 in option | No | Hipot tester RMG15AC | 15kV | 15kV in option | 40mA AC 5ma DC | Delta I+Imax | RS232, GPIB, PLC, 0-10V in option | SMG Pro | Hipot tester RMG12DC | No | 12kV | 10mA DC | Delta I+Imax | RS232, GPIB, PLC, 0-10V in option | SMG Pro | Hipot tester PC7P | 6kV | 6kV | 5mA AC 5mA DC | Delta I+Imax | GPIB, PLC in option | No | Hipot tester DT-with-cage | 5-200kV | 5-100kV | 50mA-1A | Imax | RS232 in option | No | Hipot tester DT-all-in-one | 5-200kV | 5-100kV | 50mA-1A | Imax | RS232 in option | No | Hipot tester DT-separated-units | 5-200kV | 5-100kV | 50mA-1A | Imax | RS232 in option | No | Hipot tester DTMG series New | 5-50kV | option | up to 500VA | Delta I + Imax | RS232, GPIB, PLC in option | DTPG Pro | Hipot tester DTPG series New | 5-50kV | option | up to 5000VA | Delta I + Imax | RS232, GPIB, PLC in option | DTPG Pro | 應用領域: 生產廠家,實驗室,高速產線,維修等需要符合質量標準的部門

·線纜生產廠,開關工業,匯流條,電池等 ·電子器件 (電容,晶體管,電路板,IGBT,繼電器等) ·家用電氣生產廠 (洗衣機,咖啡壺,冰箱,電暖氣,電磁爐,微波爐等) ·工業設備 (壓縮機,電動工具等) ·照明工業(街燈,專業燈具,醫療燈具,燈泡等) ·信息技術產業(調制解調器,衛星接收機,服務器,打印機,自動取款機等) ·檢測中心,認證實驗室(電子儀表,器件,絕緣材料如塑料,陶瓷,紡織品等) ·鐵路行業(火車布線,電子機柜,線纜等) |